The Importance of First Aid in the Workplace Training

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First Aid in the Workplace - First Aid Kit

Why is first aid in the workplace training important? Employers must provide a working environment that is safe for everyone. However, accidents can occur at any time and when one does, somebody in the workplace needs to provide help.

In the UK in 2022-23, 138 people died at work and 561,000 people sustained a non-fatal injury at work.

Everyone should have basic first aid knowledge. Not only because there is always a risk of injury or sudden illness at work, but also because that risk exists away from work, at home, at the park, and in many other places. It can be vital for an injured person to receive immediate assistance.

First aid training gives your employees the confidence and ability to react quickly to an accident at work. The knowledge they acquire can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones.

What is first aid?

First aid is emergency care or treatment given to an ill or injured person before regular medical aid can be obtained. Anyone can suffer an injury or become ill at work and it can be important to give them immediate attention.

Need a First Aid in the Workplace Training course?

Our RoSPA-assured online First Aid in the Workplace training course will help you to recognise emergency medical situations and make you aware of the actions to take or avoid before a qualified First-Aider or the emergency services arrive at the scene.

The training is especially suited for nominated first aiders in smaller, low risk working environments. You do not need any previous first aid knowledge.

If you are a designated first aider within your organisation, then this course is perfect as a refresher.

What are the legal requirements for first aid in the workplace?

First Aid in the Workplace - Fall from Height
The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate first-aid equipment, facilities and a number of trained people, so their employees can be given immediate help if they get an injury or take ill at work.

What is adequate and appropriate? This depends on the workplace and you need to consider several factors. What kind of hazards are in the workplace – chemicals? dangerous machinery? How many employees are there? Does the public have access to the workplace? Does the workplace have several buildings on the site or multi-floor buildings? These factors will determine your first-aid needs.

    The minimum first-aid provision in any workplace is:

  • a first-aid kit;
  • an appointed person;
  • information for employees about first-aid arrangements.

What is an appointed person?

The minimum requirement for small and low-hazard workplace environments – where first-aiders are not necessary – is to appoint a person to take charge of first aid arrangements. If an accident occurs and someone is taken ill, the appointed person will call the emergency services. The appointed person will also be responsible for looking after first-aid equipment but does not require first-aid training.

How many appointed persons or first-aiders do I need?

This will depend on your workplace risk assessment and what hazards are associated with your work activities. As a general guide use the information below.

Low-risk workplaces

(Offices, shops, libraries)

Number of employees
Number of first-aid personnel
Less than 25
At least one appointed person
between 25-50
At least one first-aider trained in Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)
More than 50
At least one first-aider trained in First Aid at Work (FAW) for every 100 employed

High-risk workplaces

(Warehousing, food processing, construction, chemical manufacture)

Number of employees
Number of first-aid personnel
Less than 5
At least one appointed person
between 5-50
At least one first-aider trained in Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) or First Aid at Work (FAW)
More than 50
At least one first-aider trained in First Aid at Work (FAW) for every 50 employed

You must also consider sites that have several buildings, shift work and provisions to cover absences.

What are the benefits of first aid in the workplace training?

First Aid in the Workplace - Knee Injury
First aid training gives people the confidence and ability to react immediately to an incident, injury or illness, before the emergency services arrive.

Employers can show their workforce that they care about providing a safe work environment by making first aid training available to their employees.

Employees trained in first aid learn to be more conscious of safety in the workplace, leading to a reduced number of accidents and injuries.

Quick reaction to an illness or injury, can reduce recovery time. If the illness or injury is to a member of staff, this can mean less impact on the business, as they get back to work sooner.

Most importantly, first aid saves lives.

Working in an inclusive workspace?

Everyone needs access to first aid in the workplace. If you work in an accessible and inclusive workspace with individuals with disabilities, we recommend our Disability Awareness Training Online Course.

Need First Aid in the Workplace training?

If you are a qualified designated first-aider for your organisation, then this course is perfect as a refresher to ensure your knowledge is maintained and up to date.

We offer the following online RoSPA assured and CPD certified course:

Online First Aid in the Workplace Training

This First Aid online training course does not qualify you to be a First-Aider or an Emergency First-Aider. The Health and Safety Executive website provides guidance for selecting a provider

First Aid in the Workplace Online Training

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