Safeguarding Children Online Course (Level 1)

£15.00 + £3.00 VAT
  • Certified by CPD
  • Audio voiceover
  • Approximate course duration 2 hours
  • Downloadable certificate on completion
  • 100% online training

Our online safeguarding children course explains what is meant by safeguarding children. It explains how you can protect a child’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. If you work with children, completing this course will help improve your awareness of the potential dangers to children and the knowledge required to enhance their safety.

If you manage or employ staff members, our safeguarding children course is an easy way to ensure that all employees are up to date with Regulation 13: Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014.

Our course takes approximately 2 hours to complete. However, training progress is saved at the end of each topic, so you can complete the training in multiple sessions and take as long as you like.

If you are concerned about a child and you think they are in immediate danger don’t delay – call the police on 999, or call the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 straight away.

Who is safeguarding children training for?

This Safeguarding Children course (Level 1) is intended for everyone who works with, or has contact with, children and it covers the essential underpinning knowledge required by Care Certificate Standard 11 – Safeguarding Children.

Anyone who encounters children or young people should have safeguarding training and gain the necessary skills to confidently protect the children within their workplace and, in some cases, their personal life. The training is often completed by participants who work in schools, nurseries, care homes, leisure centres, and sports clubs.

Reviewed and approved by lead bodies

The training course complies with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and is accredited by the CPD Certification Service.

CPD Certified

Course learning outcomes

After completing the safeguarding children course, you will be able to describe:

  • Who is responsible for safeguarding children.
  • Legislation that relates to safeguarding children.
  • Parental/carer issues that can contribute to child abuse.
  • Several kinds of abuse that children can experience.
  • Special issues regarding disabled and deaf children.
  • What to do if a child discloses abuse or you suspect abuse.

Example course pages

See the images below for example screens from our safeguarding children online training course. The course contains easy-to-understand learning material, which will help you to effectively achieve the learning outcomes so that you can remain vigilant and know what to do if you suspect a child safeguarding issue at work or elsewhere.

(Click on the example screens below to view)

Safeguarding Children Example Screenshot 1Safeguarding Children Example Screenshot 2Safeguarding Children Example Screenshot 3

Course content

The online Safeguarding Children training course contains the following 15 topics:

1 – Introduction to safeguarding children

The first topic outlines what safeguarding children means. It discusses who abuses children and who is responsible for safeguarding children. The topic also describes the impact of child abuse.

2 – Legislation, policies and procedures

The second topic identifies the rights of a child and outlines UK safeguarding law. The topic also covers what happens when abuse is reported

3 – About parents and carers

The third topic describes the impact of drugs and alcohol on parents and the impact of stress on the whole family. The topic also discusses parental mental health issues.

4 – Physical abuse

Topic 4 defines and describes physical abuse. It also identifies possible effects and some warning signs of abuse so you can spot a child in danger.

5 – Emotional abuse

Topic 5 outlines emotional abuse, including the impact of this type of abuse and signs that it might be taking place.

6 – Sexual abuse

Topic 6 is about sexual abuse. It also describes the impact and warning signs of this type of abuse.

7 – Neglect

Topic 7 provides a definition of neglect. It also identifies different types of neglect.

8 – Domestic abuse

Topic 8 describes domestic abuse, including the prevalence, impact and warning signs of this type of abuse.

9 – Human trafficking

Topic 9 is about human trafficking. It also explains why and how often children are trafficked. The topic also identifies warning signs of trafficking.

10 – Radicalisation

Topic 10 is about radicalisation. It explains why some children are vulnerable to radicalisation. It also identifies warning signs of this type of abuse.

11 – Bullying

Topic 11 defines what constitutes bullying and outlines the prevalence, impact and warning signs of bullying.

12 – Online issues

Topic 12 covers abuse by cyberbullying, sexting, online pornography and online grooming.

13 – FGM

Topic 13 explains FGM, where it tends to happen and the prevalence of FGM. It also outlines the impact and identifies warning signs of FGM.

14 – Special issues around disabled children

Topic 14 outlines the higher risk of abuse for disabled children. It also describes the impact of communication barriers and isolation. It also explains how the signs of abuse of disabled children can be missed.

15 – What to do about abuse

The final topic explains how to deal with disclosure and how to record facts of disclosure. It also explains how to report abuse.

Course assessment

At the end of the course, there is an assessment. We generate the assessment from question banks, so the questions are different each time you participate. The training is helpful for initial training and as a refresher to child safeguarding.

You get feedback for each question so you can learn from incorrect responses, and there is no limit on the number of attempts you can have.

Course certificate

Safeguarding Certificate

After successfully passing the online safeguarding children course, you can download and print your certificate immediately. Your certificate will include the CPD logo and therefore, you can use it to provide evidence for compliance.

How long is my safeguarding children course certificate valid for?

Your Safeguarding Children course certificate will not expire. However, to ensure your knowledge of children safeguarding is still current, we recommend refreshing the course after 3 years from completion. This recommended renewal date will be printed on your certificate.

Course reviews

Before you decide whether our Safeguarding Children online training course is what you are looking for, read our Safeguarding Children Course Reviews.

For us to keep improving our courses we require your feedback. Please take a couple of minutes and leave a review on or leave a review on Google, we would really appreciate it.

What does safeguarding children mean?

Safeguarding children is the process of promoting the welfare of children and protecting them from harm. This includes all procedures designed to prevent injury to a child, including taking actions to protect children from maltreatment, abuse, and neglect, preventing damage to their health or development, ensuring that children receive safe and effective care and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes and equal opportunities in life.

Why safeguarding children training is important

Everyone working closely with children or young people within an organisation is responsible for protecting them from abuse and neglect.

An essential part of safeguarding is being able to identify children who are at risk. Any child can be in danger of abuse, and everyone reacts differently. Knowing what signs to look out for is vital in allowing you to intervene, preventing further abuse and getting the child the safety and support they need.

All staff must have up-to-date safeguarding children training. Trained staff are more confident in situations they might be presented with and more able to take the decisive action necessary.

Sometimes it is up to you to spot the right signs and take the necessary action. This online course will improve your awareness of these signs.

What is cyberbullying?

Cyberbullying is bullying online. Bullies use technology to cause another person harm, distress, or personal loss. They use many techniques, including intimidating text messages, sharing embarrassing images, and setting up a hate site about a particular child. Cyberbullying can feel much worse than other types of bullying because it can be impossible to escape from it, driving some young people to suicide.

Sadly, cyberbullying is very common. 1 in 5 children aged between 10 to 15 in England and Wales experienced online bullying in the year ending March 2023. For more information on cyberbullying and other types of risks children face online, read our article How to keep children safe online.

Why online training is the best option

Online training methods come with many benefits regarding a child safeguarding course. Here are the biggest:

  • No time limits; take as long as you like to read the content before starting the course assessment.
  • If you have many staff members completing the safeguarding children course, you can rest assured that they all receive identical training resources.
  • No need for travel, save money on trains and petrol.
  • Online training courses are an affordable option. £15 per employee means you could afford to train more staff members for less.
  • Everyone completing this course will have different looking work schedules. Online training means they can study at a time which suits their schedules.

Book our online safeguarding children course today

Once you are ready to purchase Safeguarding Children online course, simply add the course to your basket by clicking the Add to Basket button and proceed to checkout.

If you would like to purchase for your team, don’t forget to take advantage of our bulk purchase discounts. You can see a list of available discounts at the left hand side of the page. Discounts are automatically applied at checkout.

Other online UK Health & Social Care courses

Click on the course titles below to learn about other Health & Social Care courses or see a full list of courses here.

  1. Dementia Awareness Training Course
  2. Infection Prevention and Control Course
  3. Safeguarding Adults Course (Level 2)
  4. The Legal Use of Restrictive Interventions Course

Want to view our entire course offerings? View our training courses on fire safety, health and safety, food hygiene and health & social care.

Any additional questions on the course?

Even after reading all the relevant information and answers to questions regarding our safeguarding children training above, you might have some other queries. If so, contact one of our experts by emailing or call 0333 5775 017.

We also have a resource centre available to answer FAQs. Please see what questions we’ve previously answered, including replies to questions regarding licences, account settings, discounts, payment options and more.

£15.00 + £3.00 VAT
Discounts Available For Bulk Purchases
No. of licences
per course
% saving
1 - 9 -
10 - 19 10%
20 - 49 20%
50 - 99 25%
100 - 149 30%
150 - 999 35%
For 200+ licences, please email us at or call us on 0333 577 5016.
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Competence Assurance

Our integrated software environment helps you to plan, develop and monitor enterprise capability and compliance, to minimise the risk of incidents and non-compliance.

Bespoke Online Training

We believe that a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills is the most powerful motivator for most individuals - not gimmicks or tricks.

Call us on 0333 577 5016 for more information or complete the contact form and we'll call you back.