Discounts Available For Bulk Purchases
No. of licences per course |
% saving |
1 - 9 | - |
10 - 19 | 10% |
20 - 49 | 20% |
50 - 99 | 25% |
100 - 149 | 30% |
150 - 999 | 35% |
Online Abrasive Wheel Training
£15.00 + £3.00 VAT
- Assured by RoSPA Qualifications
- Certified by CPD
- Audio voiceover
- Approximate course duration 1-2 hours
- Downloadable certificate on completion
- 100% online training
- No time limits
This online abrasive wheel training course will advise you of the hazards you may encounter when using abrasive wheels and the precautions you need to take to prevent accidents and injury.
According to the HSE, nearly half of all accidents involving abrasive wheels happen due to unsafe working practices and operator errors. Employers must make sure their employees follow strict health and safety practices to protect both themselves and their colleagues.
The law requires employers to take reasonable steps to safeguard the health and safety of all employees. Therefore, employers need to raise awareness about the hazards they may encounter when using abrasive wheels in the workplace, and need to outline what can be done to minimise risk.
The abrasive wheels course duration is around 1 to 2 hours.
Who should complete an online abrasive wheels course?
i2Comply’s abrasive wheels course is suitable for anyone who works with portable or static equipment that uses abrasive wheels or in a setting where abrasive wheels are used.
The abrasive wheels training covers the essential safety guidance provided by the Health and Safety Executive in HSG17: Safety in the use of abrasive wheels.
Certified abrasive wheels training is ideal for employees, contractors and the self-employed in the engineering and building sectors.
Reviewed and approved by lead bodies
Our Abrasive Wheels training course has been assured by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents as providing up-to-date, quality and content-approved training.
The training course also complies with the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) guidelines and is accredited by the CPD Certification Service.
Course learning outcomes
After completing the online Abrasive Wheels training online course, you will be able to describe:
- The main types of abrasive wheel
- Abrasive wheel identification and labelling
- The principal risks and hazards associated with abrasive wheels
- Important legislation relating to the use of abrasive wheels
- Legal duties and responsibilities relating to abrasive wheels
- Required routine maintenance checks
- The role of risk assessments
Example course pages
See below some sample screens from our online abrasive wheels course. The training contains clear course objectives, easy-to-follow material and interactive activities, which will help keep you engaged with learning about abrasive wheels.
(Click on the example screens below to view)
Course content
The online Abrasive Wheels training course contains the following 11 topics:
1 – Introduction to abrasive wheels
The first topic identifies what an abrasive wheel is and what they are used for, and explains what organic and inorganic bonded wheels are. The topic describes various methods used in the construction of abrasive wheels to strengthen them to avoid breakage. You will also learn about the different abrasive wheel types and their wide range of applications.
2 – Abrasive wheel identification
The second topic outlines how abrasive wheels are labelled so that you can check that the correct wheel has been selected for the equipment and task you need to carry out. It also identifies any restrictions placed on the use of the wheel and precautions you must take when using the wheel. You will also learn about where to find the wheel dimensions and the importance of never exceeding the maximum permissible speed of the wheel. The topic also covers how to read the specification mark to understand the abrasive type, grain size and bond of the abrasive wheel.
3 – Hazards and health risks
The third topic describes the principal risks of injury and long term ill health associated with the handling and use of abrasive wheels. It explains the term drawing-in. It outlines the risks of sudden breakage of the abrasive wheel that can cause serious life-changing injuries. The topic also explains the term silicosis and the effect of exposure to large amounts of dust that contains crystalline silica causes. It also covers other health risks including exposure to loud noise and how prolonged exposure to hand-arm vibration (HAV) during grinding and cutting-off operations can damage joints, nerves and blood vessels.
4 – Important legislation
Topic 4 provides an overview of important legislation that aims to protect people in the workplace from injury and ill health.
5 – Handling, storage and disposal
Topic 5 explains how to avoid damaging abrasive wheels during handling and storage. It covers the precautions to take when handling abrasive wheels and how to store abrasive wheels. The topic also explains the effect of damp, cold, heat and humidity on stored abrasive wheels. Lastly, the topic covers how to safely dispose of used abrasive wheels.
6 – Selecting the correct wheel
Topic 6 identifies the main things to consider when selecting an abrasive wheel. It explains how a number of factors determine the selection of an abrasive wheel including the wheel size, operating speed, the material being cut, the wheel grade and grain size and the type of cut.
7 – Wheel inspection and mounting
Topic 7 outlines how to inspect and test abrasive wheels before mounting and the key considerations when mounting a wheel. It explains the importance of inspecting new and used wheels before use. The topic also covers how to use the ‘ring test’ to check wheels for damage. It identifies the purpose of flanges, blotters and bushes. Finally, the topic explains the term run-out and how excessive run-out puts additional stress on the wheel which increases the risk of breakage.
8 – Guards and shields
Topic 8 outlines the purpose and common types of guards and shields. It explains the requirement of guards and shields and covers the types of guards and shields required for bench grinders, angle grinders. Lastly, the topic covers the wheel enclosure angles for fixed machines.
9 – Wheel truing and dressing
Topic 9 explains why wheels must be trued and dressed and how this is done. It identifies why it is necessary to true and dress wheels, the difference between truing and dressing and what truing and dressing wheels involves. It also outlines the tools commonly used for dressing wheels and finally, the topic covers the dressing process.
10 – Portable and hand-held equipment
Topic 10 provides an overview of additional precautions you should take when you use portable and hand-held equipment such as angle grinders. It identifies the wheels that cannot be used on portable machines. The topic also explains electrical safety advice and electric shock protection. It explains how routine checks, regular inspection and preventive maintenance are essential to avoid accidents. Finally, the topic covers safety checks for internal combustion powered equipment.
11 – Managing the risks
The final topic outlines the purpose and essential steps of an abrasive wheels risk assessment and recaps on the things you should do to stay safe when using abrasive wheels. The topic covers
how to use the hierarchy of control to prioritise measures to keep people safe. Lastly, the topic summarises the day-to-day measures that you can use to stay safe when using abrasive wheels. outlines the purpose of four different tests and identifies which appliances need which tests.
Course assessment
Once you have completed the eleven topics, you can take the assessment. The assessment consists of 24 multiple choice questions that are taken from question banks. This means the questions will change each time you take the assessment. Therefore, the training is useful for both initial and refresher training.
You can take the assessment as many times as necessary. The training course gives you useful feedback so you can learn from any wrong answers.
Course certificate
When you have successfully passed the online Abrasive Wheels course you will be able to download and print your certificate straight away.
Your certificate will include both logos, therefore you can use it to provide evidence for compliance.
How long is the Abrasive Wheels training course certificate valid?
Your Abrasive Wheels training online certificate has no expiry date. However, to ensure knowledge of the risk posed by abrasive wheels is maintained, we recommend a renewal period of 3 years. This recommended renewal date will be on your certificate.
Can this training course act as evidence for SSIP accreditations like CHAS, SafeContractor and ConstructionLine?
Yes, you can use our Abrasive Wheels training course certificate as evidence of industry-related training. Industry-related training evidence is important for SSIP accreditations. This online course helps you to ensure all staff receive appropriate training and that you have the certificates to prove it. However, each individual accreditation body will decide whether our online training courses are sufficient for your company’s training requirements.
Course reviews
Before going ahead and purchasing, most people like to read some reviews. Take a look and read our Abrasive Wheels Course Reviews to see what previous customers have said.
Feedback is extremely important to us. If you can leave a review on or leave a review on Google, we would really appreciate it. Your feedback provides us with key information about what we are doing right. It can also help us make informed decisions about improvements..
What is an abrasive wheel?
An abrasive wheel is a versatile disposable tool made from an abrasive material or compound. Abrasive wheels are typically found on portable grinders, grinding machines, and cut-off saws. They rotate at high speed and are capable of cutting, shaping, smoothing and cleaning a wide variety of materials. Please read our article on What is an abrasive wheel.
Why is abrasive wheels training important?
Inadequate training is a leading cause of injury when operating abrasive wheels. Injuries can have a massive impact on the employee and the employer. Employers who train their staff protect themselves against the costs associated with legal issues that may arise as a result of an injury.
Employers also need to comply with the legislation relevant to using abrasive wheels – Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). The legislation states that all machinery must be suitable for its intended use and be properly maintained, and that employees, including those using, mounting and managing the operation of abrasive wheels, must be fully informed and properly trained in their safe use.
What other Health and Safety courses does i2Comply offer?
i2Comply provide other health and safety courses that will make your work environment a safer place to work. Courses include:
- Asbestos Awareness Course (Category A)
- Manual Handling Awareness Course
- COSHH Awareness Training
- DSE Awareness Course
- First Aid in the Workplace Course
- Hand-Arm Vibration Awareness Course
- Legionella Awareness Training
- Mental Health Awareness Course
- Noise Awareness Training
- Ladder Safety Training
- Risk Assessment Training Course
- Stress in the Workplace Course
- Working at Height Course
- Working in Confined Spaces Course
It’s not just health and safety courses that i2Comply supply. We offer a host of courses across many categories including regulatory compliance, food hygiene, health & social care and fire safety.
Any further questions?
If you are still unsure about purchasing an online training course, it may be due to some questions yet to be answered. Our dedicated team are always on hand to offer some additional context or answer any questions you may have regarding our Abrasive Wheels course. You can contact us via phone, email or our enquiries form.
£15.00 + £3.00 VAT
Discounts Available For Bulk Purchases
No. of licences per course |
% saving |
1 - 9 | - |
10 - 19 | 10% |
20 - 49 | 20% |
50 - 99 | 25% |
100 - 149 | 30% |
150 - 999 | 35% |