Schools Online Courses

Schools Online Courses

Find the best training services for the education sector in the UK

As in offices and other workplaces, the education sector must adhere to safety, health and data laws that are in place to keep us safe and secure at work. At i2Comply, we are here to provide simple online training solutions to help you gain that much-needed accreditation.

When you enrol in an online course for schools with i2Comply, your course materials will include professional audio narration, which is engaging and interactive. With an online course, you don’t have to worry about being in a specific place on set days – you have all you need to study remotely.

Our course licences never expire. Our customers take advantage of this by bulk buying course licences, saving money and knowing there isn’t a hard deadline for completion.

Need some assistance?

If you have some questions regarding our schools courses? If you have anything you’d like to ask or run past our experts, we are available to call on 0333 577 5016. We can also be contacted by email at


Click on the categories on above or browse through our range of courses below.

  • Data Protection and the GDPR Advanced Course
    £20.00 + £4.00 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 2-3 hours
    This online Advanced Data protection and the GDPR training is a comprehensive, step-by-step explanation of the purpose of the GDPR, the duties and obligations it places upon organisations and individuals that handle personal information, and the steps that need to be taken to comply with the GDPR.
  • Data Protection and the GDPR for Schools Online Course
    £15.00 + £3.00 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 1-2 hours
    This online Data Protection and the GDPR for Schools training gives an overview of the purpose and scope of the GDPR, how it protects personal data, how it affects organisations and individuals, and explains the data protection principles and data subject rights.
  • Fire Marshal / Warden Online Training Course
    £17.50 + £3.50 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 1-2 hours
    This online Fire Marshal training course will enable you to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a Fire Marshal / Fire Warden. PLEASE NOTE: Users should complete Fire Safety Awareness Training before taking this course.
  • Fire Safety for Schools Online Training Course
    £15.00 + £3.00 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 1 hour
    This online Fire Safety Awareness (Schools and Colleges) training course identifies fire safety concerns and outlines measures that apply in premises where the main use of the building or part of the building is an educational premise.
  • First Aid in the Workplace Training Course
    £17.50 + £3.50 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 2 hours
    This online First Aid in the workplace training course is especially suited for nominated first aiders in smaller, low risk working environments. No previous first aid knowledge is required.
  • Online Food Allergen Training Course
    £17.50 + £3.50 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 1-2 hours
    This online Food Allergen Awareness training course is designed to help learners identify the fourteen particular food allergens, recognise the common signs of an allergic reaction, to understand why foods containing allergens must be handled carefully and what people who work in a food business must do to protect people from harm due to allergens in food.
  • Online Food Hygiene Course Level 1
    £12.00 + £2.40 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 1 hour
    This introductory online Food Hygiene Level 1 training course ensures staff have a basic knowledge of food hygiene so they can work safely. Food Hygiene certificate available to download once completed.
  • Online Food Hygiene Course Level 2
    £17.50 + £3.50 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 2 hours
    This online Food Hygiene Level 2 training course ensures staff who handle and PREPARE food have a knowledge of food hygiene so they can work safely. Food Hygiene certificate available to download once training is completed.
  • Menopause Awareness Training
    £17.50 + £3.50 VAT
    Approximate course duration: 1 hour
    This Menopause Awareness training course explains what the menopause is and what the signs and symptoms are. You’ll learn about a range of treatments available and explore how an organisation can support staff who are experiencing menopause.
Discounts Available For Bulk Purchases
No. of licences
per course
% saving
1 - 9 -
10 - 19 10%
20 - 49 20%
50 - 99 25%
100 - 149 30%
150 - 999 35%
For 200+ licences, please email us at or call us on 0333 577 5016.
Single sign-on (SSO)

Our LMS can be configured to authenticate with your systems, so your users don’t need to remember additional passwords or usernames.

Competence Assurance

Our integrated software environment helps you to plan, develop and monitor enterprise capability and compliance, to minimise the risk of incidents and non-compliance.

Bespoke Online Training

We believe that a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills is the most powerful motivator for most individuals - not gimmicks or tricks.

Call us on 0333 577 5016 for more information or complete the contact form and we'll call you back.