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    Contact Us

    Our offices are open:
    Monday to Friday 9.00am-5.00pm

    i2d2 Ltd
    1-2 Grafton Court
    Kettering Venture Park
    NN15 6XR

    All online courses are reviewed and approved by lead bodies and subject matter experts

    ROSPA Member
    IIRSM Approved Training Logo

    Single sign-on (SSO)

    Our LMS can be configured to authenticate with your systems, so your users don’t need to remember additional passwords or usernames.

    Competence Assurance

    Our integrated software environment helps you to plan, develop and monitor enterprise capability and compliance, to minimise the risk of incidents and non-compliance.

    Bespoke Online Training

    We believe that a desire to acquire new knowledge and skills is the most powerful motivator for most individuals - not gimmicks or tricks.

    Call us on 0333 577 5016 for more information or complete the contact form and we'll call you back.